Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spring Vignettes

Today I felt like working more than I usually prefer to do, so I gather my latest finds and put them together in different vignettes. The weather was gorgeous outside, it felt like mother nature wanted to give us a preview of what this Spring will be like.  I found myself inspired and "pulled" by all shades of green, I can't resist the combination of lime green and pink.
I found some Mc Coy pots not long ago and I became a collector, so far I have only three( can you spot the in the right corner) but eventually I hope to find more, The colors can't be more subtle and romatic.
Another pratical use for the Mc Coy containers.
My seven year old daugther loves dogs, so I made her this shelve with a salvaged cabinet, it feels so rustic. We display our favorite linen finger napkins on it as well.
This is for you, artichokes instead of roses. Thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty!!! I just linked up to host my first meme party, it is fun foto friday....come and upload your link and you should get some comments.....just look under my meme post under the current post for details on how to do it....easy as pie!


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